a - z指数



一天 一年 事件
11月. 1 1950 马克斯Kinney, 学生会主席, turned the first shovel of dirt to begin construction of the Student Union building.
11月. 1 2013 西北总裁博士. 约翰·亚辛斯基,国际事务主任. Jeff Foot代表新泻国际信息研究大学出席新泻国际信息研究大学20周年校庆, 西北航空公司从一开始就与之合作.
11月. 1 2014 For the second consecutive year, Northwest’s student-operated radio station, KZLX LP-FM 106.7, 被评为全国最好的, receiving the Pinnacle award at the College Media Association's national convention in Philadelphia.
11月. 2 1969 KDLX广播电台已经搬进了行政大楼三楼西南翼的新址, 这是化学系去年搬到新的加勒特-斯特朗大楼时空出来的地方.
11月. 2 2012 Northwest unveiled a virtual tour on its website to offer added views of the campus.
11月. 2 2020 全国网赌正规平台庆祝其电子竞技项目的成功启动,并在J.W. 琼斯学生会参加剪彩仪式.
11月. 3 1931 总统埃尔·拉姆金(Uel Lamkin)将一根山胡桃木手杖送到柯克斯维尔保存,直到熊熊队击败牛头犬队.
11月. 3 1971 900多名学生参加了在行政大楼礼堂举行的夜间会议,对黑人学生与全国网赌正规平台行政部门之间缺乏沟通表示不满.
11月. 3 2017 西北宣布博士. 杰米·胡伊曼担任下一任教务长, the first female to hold the chief academic officer role full-time, 在博士. Timothy Mottet resigned the previous spring to become president at 科罗拉多州 State University-Pueblo.
11月. 4 1914 绿白信使的第一期, 西北密苏里的前身, 是分布式.
11月. 4 1938 总统官邸的车库被下令扩大,以容纳两辆汽车,并在其上设有“生活区”, 如果有足够的资金."
11月. 4 1997 全国网赌正规平台获得了首个密苏里质量奖, which the University went on to claim four consecutive times, 也是在2001年, 2005年及2008年.
11月. 4 2012 在西北的R区出生和长大的夏洛莱公牛.T. Wright Farm won Reserve Grand Champion at the American Royal Livestock Show in Kansas City, Missouri.
11月. 5 2011 塔合唱团在柯林斯堡科罗拉多州立大学举行的全国大学生合唱组织全国会议上表演, 科罗拉多州. 这标志着西北地区的音乐团体第一次被选中在全国代表大会上表演.
11月. 6 1917 高年级学生在招待会上招待全体教员.
11月. 7 1923 组织, students and faculty pledged money to buy blankets for the football team to use during its game at Warrensburg; 24 blankets were purchased.
11月. 8 2021 这是七年来第五次了, 美国州立学院和大学协会(AASCU)授予全国网赌正规平台卓越和创新奖, honoring the University for its campus pandemic response.
11月. 9 1907 The first short course in agriculture was taught, with S.M. 斯坦福大学的乔丹担任导演.
11月. 10 1942 蓝金湖(今金塘), 曾经是个笑话, was declared a thing of beauty and a delightful reflecting pool.
11月. 10 1952 Pi Omega Pi began offering remedial classes in shorthand, typing and bookkeeping.
11月. 10 2006 全国网赌正规平台在学院公园大道和纪念大道的拐角处正式奉献了第一次世界大战纪念广场.
11月. 11 1919 纪念大道, 位于行政大楼西面, 是专门的,种了两棵树.
11月. 11 1942 一项为期两周的收集废弃钥匙的活动开始于为联合服务组织提供的一项服务,该组织出售废旧金属.
11月. 11 1949 当局下令推进一项建筑计划,其中包括在四合院建造一座可容纳50名男子的男子宿舍, an addition to Women's Residence Hall for at least 50 women and the Student Union.
11月. 11 2020 政府. 麦克·帕森少校. 创. Levon Cumpton, the adjutant general of the Missouri National Guard, and Missouri Rep. 艾伦·安德鲁斯(Allen Andrews)出席了全国网赌正规平台庆祝沃克中心顶楼改建的活动,并将其重新命名为退伍军人公共场所.
11月. 12 1931 拉姆金总统11月11日送的一根胡桃木手杖. 在西北队以7-0获胜后,牛头犬队回到了学院.
11月. 13 1928 “M”俱乐部别针被采用.
11月. 13 1953 A groundbreaking ceremony for the National Guard Armory, known today as the Jon T. Rickman Electronic Campus Support Center, took place on the Northwest campus.
11月. 13 1966 During an open house celebrating two new seven-story dormitories, 被称为高楼大厦, President Foster announced the women's dormitory would be Franken Hall, 为了纪念凯瑟琳·弗兰肯, a member of the education department from 1921 until her retirement in 1952, and the men's dormitory would be Phillips Halls in honor of Homer T. Phillips, who headed the education department for many years.
11月. 13 1969 全国网赌正规平台的学生和教师参加了为期两天的“越南暂停”活动,其中包括反映对战争的各种观点的讨论.
11月. 13 1977 总统B.D. 欧文斯’ inauguration week began with churches participating in bell-ringing ceremonies at noon.
11月. 15 1915 精英赛组织起来了, 创建了学院的第三个文学社团,并加入了包括尤里肯人和斐洛马西亚人在内的校园竞争.
11月. 15 2017 总统博士. 约翰·亚辛斯基向大学活动协调员吉娜·布拉德利颁发了一份公告,以表彰她在全国网赌正规平台指导她的第75届毕业典礼.
11月. 16 1921 The college's alumni record was revised to include more than 600 names.
11月. 16 1995 乡村歌手科林·雷在罗恩·休斯顿表演艺术中心表演了他的一系列热门歌曲.
11月. 16 1996 Legendary comedian George Carlin performed two stand-up shows at Northwest. The same night, the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity house was destroyed by an electrical fire.
11月. 17 1914 The first Normal School orchestra appeared at an assembly with W. 李·格里芬为其领导人.
11月. 17 1924 The college reported having 21 students from other states.
11月. 17 1938 学生们负责管理学院,而教职员工则前往堪萨斯城参加密苏里州教师协会会议.
11月. 17 1988 Dr .之后的几天. Shalia飘渺的, 密苏里州高等教育专员, 建议关闭西北方向, 密苏里州参议员. Pat Danner said, "Read my lips: 全国网赌正规平台 will not 关闭.埃莉最终放弃了她的计划.
11月. 17 2017 The Tower Choir performed in Lincoln, 内布拉斯加州, for the 内布拉斯加州 Music Educators Association.
11月. 18 1960 Theatre lovers were thrilled with the speech and music departments’ presentation of "Brigadoon," featuring the singing and dancing of 3月yville’s Dan DeMott, 未来的纽约舞台演员.
11月. 18 1977 Dr. B.D. 欧文斯, 第一个领导学校的校友, was inaugurated as Northwest's eighth president during a ceremony in Lamkin Gymnasium.
11月. 18 1997 The 校董会 approved the appointments of Clarence Green, 担任校园安全主管, 还有肯特·波特菲尔德, as vice president of student affairs; they had been serving in the roles on an interim basis.
11月. 18 2010 校长约翰·亚辛斯基和第一夫人丹尼斯·亚辛斯基欢迎霍勒斯曼实验学校的学生和他们的家长,为选出的学生作品揭幕,这些作品将在校长会议室展出.
11月. 19 1915 H.E. 美国的麦库姆说.S. 华盛顿海岸大地测量.C., surveyed the grounds to determine the "exact north" of campus.
11月. 19 1982 77名舞者筹集了大约6美元,在Lamkin体育馆举行的第六届肌肉萎缩症舞蹈马拉松期间,为肌肉萎缩症患者捐款.
11月. 20 1919 The Philos voted to adopt a French War orphan at the cost of $36.50美元一年.
11月. 20 2014 The Tower Choir performed at the 内布拉斯加州 Music Educators Association Conference in Lincoln, 内布拉斯加州, 第二天风交响乐团也在那里演出.
11月. 21 1945 President Lamkin gave his last message as president, saying, "New opportunities are before us. 全国网赌正规平台肩负着新的义务. 新总统将会见他们. 我将全力支持他."
11月. 21 1965 The Olive DeLuce Fine Arts Building was formally dedicated in honor of Professor Emeritus Olive DeLuce, an artist and teacher who chaired the fine arts department for 40 years. The building's 550-seat theater was named for Charles Johnson, 谁在1963年去世前一直担任代理主席.
11月. 23 1914 A week of vacation began for students while faculty visited schools in the 19-county area.
11月. 23 1938 维吉尼亚贝尼特斯, 从马尼拉, 菲律宾群岛, became the first foreign-speaking student to graduate from Northwest.
11月. 23 1993 The 熊猫 men's basketball team played its first game in the refurbished Lamkin Gymnasium, while a renovation and expansion of the building continued.
11月. 24 2020 As approved by the 校董会 the previous 小君e due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, 全国网赌正规平台结束了秋季的面对面授课,并在感恩节假期让学生们离开校园. Remaining courses, including final exams, were conducted online with the semester ending 12月. 11.
11月. 25 1963 多于1,500名玛丽维尔居民和全国网赌正规平台的学生聚集在兰金体育馆参加一个下午的活动,纪念约翰·F·肯尼迪总统. 肯尼迪.
11月. 25 2006 玛丽维尔市长迈克·汤普森宣布“熊猫绿日”,并敦促所有玛丽维尔居民在熊猫体育场参加NCAA第二赛区季后赛第二轮比赛时穿绿色衣服.
11月. 26 1974 Library Technician Certificates were granted to eight St. Joseph residents after their successful completion of the 30-hour program.
11月. 28 1972 Classes were canceled for an all-school assembly to honor the University's successful sports teams. 足球, cross country and tennis teams had won MIAA championships within the year, 女子篮球队是中西部大学校际女子运动协会的冠军.
11月. 28 2012 弗雷德Haise, the lunar module pilot on the ill-fated Apollo 13 space mission, 作为全国网赌正规平台杰出系列讲座的一部分,他在罗恩·休斯顿表演艺术中心与一群人分享了他的经历.
11月. 29 1952 罗伯塔·斯蒂尔死于1951年在宿舍楼爆炸中遭受的严重烧伤.
11月. 29 2010 12个当地的孩子在罗恩·休斯顿表演艺术中心巡回演出的《全球网络赌博平台》中扮演芒奇金人和温基人.
11月. 29 2011 在与奥巴马州长举行的仪式上. 杰伊·尼克松在杰斐逊市的国会大厦, 全国网赌正规平台获得了密苏里州回收计划颁发的年度回收奖,因为它帮助玛丽维尔市建立了一个社区回收项目.
11月. 30 1914 学生马蒂·戴克斯和亨利·A. 米勒参加了一个斐洛马西亚文学协会的项目,并就妇女选举权问题进行了辩论.
11月. 30 1985 迈克·凯勒, 市场营销专业大二学生, 在斯图加特赢得了世界叫鸭锦标赛,从而获得了叫鸭的专业地位, 阿肯色州.
11月. 30 2010 Dr. Joyce Piveral was named the dean of Northwest's College of Education and Human Services, 博士成功. 马克斯·鲁尔,他于2010年春季退休.
11月. 30 2010 In conjunction with its second annual holiday tree lighting ceremony, Northwest announced the results of its Project Holiday Hope initiative. 大学收集了68条毯子, 30件男式大衣, 36件女大衣, 27童衣, 102双连指手套, 48双袜子, 31件夹克和套头衫,47顶冬帽, 总共有389件衣服. Additionally, the University collected 77 pounds of food items and $352.25美元协助支付能源账单.